One of the largest
research networks
in Europe
We are the part of science that works
for business, carrying out R&D projects.
Our values are: passion, knowledge, courage, integrity.
Where do we operate?
☑ Scientific, industrial research and development work in chemical and technical sciences, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
☑ Advanced polymer materials and composites
☑ Environmentally friendly polymer technologies: syntheses, modifications, recycling; design of new biopolymers; Biodegradable, biocompostable plastics. Plastics derived from renewable raw materials. Polymers designed for special applications – ‘tailor-made’
☑ Recycling and zero-emission technologies
☑ Electromobility – hydrogen fuel cells and electrochemical energy sources
☑ Development of formulations and production technologies for medicinal products, including biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, food supplements and foodstuffs for special medical purposes
☑ Production of active substances (APIs) based on own solutions
☑ Pharmaceutical analytics including testing of active substances, medicinal products, excipients, pharmaceutical raw materials and pharmacokinetic studies
☑ Production of the cytostatic drug Biodribin® for hairy cell leukaemia
☑ Genetic engineering and biosynthesis
☑ Commercialisation and implementation of RD results into industrial practice
☑ Modeling of technological processes (Ansys Fluent, ChemKin, ChemCad)
☑ REACH and CLP services
☑ Ozone layer and climate protection activities (BOWOiK)
☑ Publishing activities (POLIMERY magazine)

Ewa ŚMIGIERA, PhD Sc. Eng.
Director Łukasiewicz – Industrial Chemistry Institute
phone +48 22 568 22 43,
+48 22 633 97 98,
+48 510 968 563 ewa.smigiera@ichp.lukasiewicz.gov.pl
Graduated from the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology (1998). She graduated in 2021 with an MBA in Finance Technology, in 2023. POST MBA Digital Transformation and in 2024 study – Academy of Leadership Psychology at the Business School of Warsaw University of Technology. In 2013, she completed postgraduate studies in Project Management at the College of Ecology and Innovation in Lublin. In 2007, she received a doctorate in technical sciences from the Industrial Chemistry Institute.
Since 1998, she has been employed at the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Chemistry Institute in Warsaw (formerly the Industrial Chemistry Institute).
In 2015-2016, she was Chairman of the Board of ChemSpin sp. z o.o., established by Łukasiewicz – ICI (100% of shares) to commercialize the results of research generated at the Institute.
In 2017-2018, she served as Head of the Technology Transfer Office at Łukasiewicz – ICI.
From 2017 until VI.2024, she was a member (most recently chairperson) of the Supervisory Board of Silikony Polskie sp. z o.o., co-owned by Łukasiewicz – ICI.
Since 2019, he has been a representative of the Minister of Science on the Scientific Council of the Institute of Fuel and Energy Technology (formerly IChPW), and since 2023 – Łukasiewicz – ICI representative on the Employers’ Council (chemistry faculty) at the College of Engineering and Health Sciences in Warsaw.
In January 2018, she was appointed Deputy Director for Research and Commercialization at Łukasiewicz – ICI and was responsible for managing the Research Department (chemistry, biotechnology, pharmacy area) and the Commercialization and Technology Transfer Department.
On May 15, 2024, by decision of the President of the Łukasiewicz Center, she was appointed Director of Łukasiewicz – Industrial Chemistry Institute of named after Prof. Ignacy Mościcki.

Zbigniew ROGULSKI, PhD Sc.
Deputy Director for Research
Łukasiewicz - Industrial Chemistry Institute
phone +48 453 056 149
Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw (1999), PhD in chemical sciences (Faculty of Chemistry, UW, 2004), habilitation in technical sciences – chemical technology (Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, 2016). Completed Postgraduate Managerial Studies in School Management (Faculty of Management, UW, 2017), Postgraduate Legal and Financial Studies – Sustainable Finance (Faculty of Law and Administration, UW, 2024), participant in postgraduate studies ‘Project Management’ (SGH, 2024-2025). Between 2010 and 2014, completed a series of training courses on commercialisation of R&D results and supervision and operation of special purpose vehicles.
From 1999 to 2015, he was a researcher at the Prof. I. Mościcki Institute of Industrial Chemistry. From 2016 to 2024 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the UW in the field of finance, development and infrastructure.
From 2012-2016 Member of the Management Board and then of the Supervisory Board of a special purpose vehicle of the University of Warsaw dedicated to the commercialisation of research and development (UWRC sp. z o.o.). From 2014 to 2015, President of the Board of the Industrial Chemistry Institute’s special purpose company ChemSpin sp. z o.o. From 2017 to present Chairman of the Board of Łukasiewicz – Institute of Organic Industry.
Manager and main contractor in national and international projects in the field of energy storage, recycling of batteries and accumulators and use of radioisotopes in medical diagnostics. As part of activities related to the development of the infrastructure of the UW Chemistry Department, he was the manager of tasks carried out at the UW under the project Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology – CePTII. He was the initiator and manager of the first laboratory in Poland to conduct preclinical research using isotope techniques (PET/SPECT/CT).
His scientific achievements include (co-authorship and authorship): 60 scientific publications in journals from the Philadelphia list, six patents, two patent applications, two know-how solutions. His research work has been recognised, among others, at invention exhibitions in the form of ten gold and seven silver medals and numerous distinctions, e.g. in the competition for the Polish Product of the Future. Hirsch index – 16.
By decision of the President of the Łukasiewicz Centre, on 1 January 2025 he was appointed Deputy Director for Research Affairs of the Łukasiewicz – Industrial Chemistry Institute.
Wojciech Konarski, M. Sc. Eng
Deputy Director for Finance
phone +48 502 292 707
Pharmacy and Biotechnology Center
Pharmacy, Cosmetic Chemistry and Biotechnology RESEARCH GROUP

Area Leader
Jolanta Janiszewska, PhD Sc. Eng.
phone +48 517 883 174
- Cosmetics and household chemicals
- Advanced functional materials – medical devices, food supplements, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals
- Use of bioprocesses in chemical technology
- Biologically active substances for the life science industry
- Biologically active peptides – protein hydrolysates, synthetic peptides
The Formulation Technologies Section deals with the development of formulations and manufacturing technologies for medicinal products, medical devices, dietary supplements and foodstuffs for special medical purposes.
The team consists of specialists with many years of experience in conducting research and development projects, confirmed by numerous technology implementations at home and abroad.
State-of-the-art technological facilities (modernisation in 2019) ensure the highest manufacturing standards in line with EMA and FDA guidelines. The technology park enables the manufacture of solid forms of investigational medicinal products for clinical trials, including:
- Short series for rare, orphan diseases
- Standard batches for common diseases
- Formulations for bioequivalence studies
- Formulations for pre-clinical studies
Two key areas of research are pursued in the Chemistry Section:
- development of innovative technologies for active substances of generic drugs on laboratory and large-scale non-GMP laboratory scale, allowing successive scaling up of processes of manufacturing pharmaceutical substances up to semi-technical scale,
- scientific research into the search for new compounds possessing biological activity in cooperation with leading academic centres at home and abroad.
- Cloning of DNA fragments and construction of prokaryotic production strains
- Strain stability control, preparation and maintenance of Research Cell Bank (RCB) and Master Cell Bank (MCB) and Working Cell Bank (WCB)
- Microbial culture / Upstream production
- Purification of recombinant proteins / Downstream production
- Lyophilisation
- Protein identification and molecular weight determination
- Genetic engineering
- Molecular modelling
- Protein engineering
- Other services

Pharmaceutical Analysis LABORATORY

The Quality Control Section carries out analyses in the field of control:
- starting materials used in the manufacture of active substances and medicinal products
- intermediates manufactured in the production process (in-process testing)
- final products – active substances
- medicinal products
- packaging materials in which active substances are stored
- manufacturing conditions, including cleaning processes of the process apparatus according to Ph. Eur., USP, FP in accordance with GMP standard.
The Chemical Analysis Section carries out analyses of active substances, medicinal products, excipients, pharmaceutical raw materials according to Ph. Eur., USP, FP in accordance with the GMP standard.
Areas of operate
- Development and optimisation of analytical methods
- Validation of analytical methods
- Validation of methods for the determination of residues of substances in the process of cleaning the production line
- Verification of analytical
- Transfer of analytical methods
- Batch certification for GMP compliance (certificate) for quality control of medicinal products, active substances and excipients and raw materials
- Pharmaceutical availability studies for various pharmaceutical forms
- Stability testing of active substances and medicinal products in qualified climate chambers under long-term conditions
- Impurity profile testing – detection, identification and quantification of impurities according to the requirements of pharmacopoeial monographs (USP, Ph. Eur., FP), recommendations of the International Conference on Pharmacopoeia (ICIP), and the International Conference on Pharmacopoeia (ICP). Harmonisation (ICH), the requirements of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Standardization of standards for active substances and their impurities.
In the Research Analytics Section, research work is carried out on the full analytical characterisation of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, as well as analytical work for various pharmaceutical forms (tablets, capsules, solutions, eye drops in solution and suspension form, emulsions and ointments). On the basis of the research conducted, documentation is prepared that meets the requirements of the committees creating quality criteria for medicines, including the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) and the European and US registration authorities.
The Research Analytics team cooperates with scientific and industrial units by carrying out analytical work as part of scientific projects. The results of research work are presented in national and international journals and at scientific conferences.
The Pharmacokinetics Section works on bioequivalence studies and bioavailability of medicinal products. Od roku 2003 Zespół pracuje zgodnie z zasadami Dobrej Praktyki Laboratoryjnej (Certyfikat nr 25/2020/DPL). The team has performed more than 400 validations of analytical methods and pharmacokinetic studies in collaboration with national and international pharmaceutical companies and clinical centres.
Areas of operate
- Study design preparation
- Development or adaptation of a bioanalytical method for the determination of a medicinal substance and/or metabolites in biological material
- Validation of the bioanalytical method in accordance with EMA requirements
- Performance of assays in a biological material (HPLC, LC/MS/MS)
- Pharmacokinetic calculations (WinNonlin)
- Study documentation in CTD format Module 5:
- Archiving of biological material samples (≤-14°C and ≤ -60°C)
- Preparation of expert opinions
- Management of pharmacokinetic studies (including clinical part)
- Preparation of application for funding
Sekcja Analizy Mikrobiologicznej prowadzi prace w zakresie badań mikrobiologicznych dla zleceniodawców z przemysłu i w ramach kooperacji wewnętrznej Łukasiewicz- ICHP. Sekcja Analizy Mikrobiologicznej posiada certyfikat GMP i regularnie jest poddawany audytom firm zlecających badania oraz Głównej Inspekcji Farmaceutycznej. Oprócz standardowych badań w kontroli jakości, Sekcja zajmuje się także opracowaniem metod badań do konkretnych produktów farmaceutycznych oraz do produktów nie będących lekami.
Areas of operate
- sterility testing
- microbiological purity testing
- testing of bacterial endotoxins (gel method: limit test)
- antimicrobial efficacy testing
- effectiveness of disinfectants
- microbiological monitoring of clean rooms
- testing of the fertility and sterility of microbiological media
- validation and transfer of microbiological methods – confirmation of the suitability of a method for a given application.

Polymer Technology RESEARCH GROUP

Area Leader
Piotr Jankowski, PhD Sc. Eng.
phone +48 453 056 197
Research topics
- Chemical modification of thermoplastics by reactive extrusion
- Recycling of thermoplastics, including by reactive extrusion
- Filling and reinforcement of thermoplastics
- Biodegradable polymer composites using raw materials of natural origin
- Polymer nanocomposites
- Modification and processing of engineering plastics, including PPO
- Investigations into the properties of polymeric materials
- Manufacturing technology and modification of polymeric materials
Research topics
- Research into the flame retardancy of plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyurethanes, polyesters, epoxies, polystyrene and others).
- Synthesis and modification of halogen-free flame retardants, including Intumescent Flame Retardant System (IFRs), synthesis of flame retardants based on epoxy resin technology.
- Selection of flame retardants that work effectively in a composition with a given plastic.
- Technologies for obtaining polyester resins, epoxy resins – including resins with special properties, liquid, low-melt, solid epoxy resins, elasticising agents for epoxy resins.
- Technologies for obtaining composites including nanocomposites based on duroplastics.
- Synthesis of auxiliaries for selected engineering resins – including plasticisers derived from by-products and waste products
- Technologies for urea, melamine, phenol-formaldehyde resins – including melamine foams and formaldehyde-reduced resins.
- Technologies for polyurethane plastics – new types of insulation materials (modular construction), flexible polyurethane foams.
- Waterborne polyester resin technologies.
- Optimization of existing technologies related to the above.
- New polymeric materials: chemical and physico-chemical modification of thermo- and duroplastics.
- New polymeric materials: functional polymers with the addition of structure modifiers or functionalized hybrid natural or waste fillers.
- Thermoplastic, solvent-free hot-melt adhesives: polycondensation adhesives (polyamide, polyester), adhesives based on PP, PE, EVA copolymers, APAO and block rubbers (SIS, SBS, SEBS) and others, adhesives used in the following industries: leather, electrical engineering, construction furniture, packaging and electronics.
Research topics
- Design of new biopolymers with competitive antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant properties
- Modification of the physicochemical and functional properties of biodegradable natural polymers (especially chitosan) with potential application in the packaging industry
- Preparation of new plasticisers for polymeric materials based on polysaccharides, including the synthesis of deep eutectic solvents
- Edible coatings and active packaging based on polymers of natural origin as competition for contemporary packaging materials used in the food industry
- Investigation into the release of active ingredients from polymer matrices
- Preparation and physicochemical characterisation of new crosslinking agents and polymer blends and composites
- Chemical and physical crosslinking of polymer blends
- Emulsion, suspension and block polymerisation – preparation of polymer suspensions and monodisperse latexes and transparent plastics
- Purification and separation of substances (e.g. from plant material) by extraction and by sorption and desorption on ionic or non-ionic resins
- Preparation of organic fungicides and bactericides and natural fertilisers
Research topics
- Synthesis of polyurethanes and silicone-urethanes cross-linking with atmospheric moisture,
- Aqueous dispersions of polyurethanes, silicone-urethanes, acrylic-urethanes, silicone-acrylics, acrylic-alkyds, especially in application as coating materials,
- Isocyanate modification of asphaltenes, coal tar pitch and hydrocarbon resins,
- Association of polyurethane thickeners,
- Aging and application testing of adhesives, coatings, putties and compositions,
- Polymeric plasticisers for PVC,
- Solvent-free and water-dispersible binders for UV-crosslinking coatings,
- Silicone-urethanes as:
- living cell scaffolds,
- solid polymer electrolytes,
- membranes for the separation of liquid and gaseous mixtures,
- Polymer nanopowders as impact modifiers for powder coatings and polymer plastics,
- Coating materials for special applications, e.g. self-healing polymeric coatings, electromagnetic radiation shielding, etc,
- Reticulated glassy carbon,
- Polymeric consumables used in 3D printers.
- Studies of selected properties of coating materials (paints and varnishes).
- Synthesis, optimisation and modification of vinyl and speciality polymers including: , poly(vinyl chloride), poly(vinyl butyral), .poly(phenylene oxide), poly(methylene oxide), polyacrylate
- Technology for the manufacture of suspension PVC – all aspects, including scaling up laboratory processes to pilot and industrial scale.
- Technology for the manufacture of PVC nanocomposites produced “in-situ” – laboratory scale, pilot scale.
- Technology for the manufacture of polyacetals – large laboratory and industrial scale, physical modification, development of design assumptions for the process of manufacturing polyacetals on an industrial scale.
- Cationic copolymerisation of trioxane with various comonomers, selection of initiators.
- Selection of composition and processing conditions for PVC blends, including those containing recycled PVC.
Research topics
Research work in the polymerization process of vinyl chloride (PVC synthesis)
→ strong Development of new reaction formulation compositions to improve the quality of the resulting polyvinyl chloride
→ Optimization of PVC synthesis processes towards: Increasing yields, Formulation compositions
→ Research toward developing types of PVC for new applications
→ Study of the influence of individual components of the reaction mixture on the properties of PVC
→ Study of new auxiliary substances in the PVC synthesis process and determination of their influence on the quality of the obtained PVC
→ Research toward meeting the environmental requirements of the PVC synthesis process.
Research work in the preparation of dry mix (dry-blend)
→ Development of a dry mix recipe that meets specific processing properties→ Development of a dry mix recipe that meets specific processing properties→ Modification of the recipe for optimization: Composition, Properties, Price→ Study of the effectiveness of new processing agents and determination of their method of use (quantity, stage of introduction into the mix) on the properties of the finished product and the processing process→ Quality testing of PVC blends.
Processing studies

Chemical Technology RESEARCH GROUP

Research topics
- Large organic synthesis processes
- High pressure processes
- Identification analysis of organic compounds
- Research and development offerings
- Synthesis of ionic liquids
- Highly-processed chemicals – biocides and hygienizing agents
- Bioprocesses in chemical technology
- Separation of azeotropic mixtures
- Desulphurisation of fuels
- Organic compound analysis
Research topics
- Studies on dehydrogenation processes of light aliphatic hydrocarbons (C3, C4)
- Studies of catalytic processes in multiphase systems under elevated pressure and temperature conditions; laboratory and semi-technical scale
- Production of synthetic fuels – Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using CO2
- Process development, design and optimisation – environmentally friendly alternative synthesis routes (laboratory to large-scale)
- Treatment of gaseous/liquid product streams
- Separation of process streams by membrane techniques.
- Industrial catalyst testing
- Thermal conversion processes (pyrolysis, cracking)
- Dehydrogenation of low molecular weight olefins
- Calculation, design and optimisation of chemical apparatus and processes
- Separation of process streams by membrane techniques.
- Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
Research topics
- Expertises and assessments of prospective developments in chemical and petro-refinery processes
- Mechanochemical support and other methods for the intensification of industrial organic syntheses
- System solutions for oleochemistry, cascade processing of waste, forest and agricultural biomass and renewable raw materials
- Evaluations of technological concepts in the context of industrial implementation – including raw material and process integration
- Optimisation and up-scaling of petro-, biorefinery and recycling processes (following concept evaluation)
- Pyrolysis, cracking and gasification processes for waste plastics and rubber, biomass and unsorted municipal waste
- Biorefinery methods for the production of base chemicals, highly processed compounds and propellants (2nd and 3rd generation biofuels)
- Hydrogen production technologies for the chemical industry, distributed energy and electromobility
- Design, preparation and characterisation of catalysts for organic syntheses
- Enantioselective catalysts in organic synthesis processes
- Mineral and plant-derived fillers for polymer composites and refinement of recyclates
- Physicochemical analyses of catalysts, process streams and products of petro-, biorefinery and recycling processes.
- Expertise in chemical and petro- and biorefinery process development directions;
- Mechanochemical intensification of industrial chemical processes;
- Development of new, technologically attractive pathways for waste management and biomass processing, including for propellants and highly-processed compounds;
- Production of highly processed compounds from renewable raw materials (e.g. chlorophyll-based);
- Development of new, efficient catalytic systems;
- Scaling up technological processes.
Evaluation and analysis of household chemical products and raw materials:
Laundry detergents: evaluation of washing performance under real conditions, testing of washing capacity, encrustation, decrease in tear strength, greying, yellowing, shrinkage, discolouration, maintenance of whiteness, softening of washed products.
- Liquid dishwashing detergents: test of washing capacity (IKW test, direct washing test) test of fat emulsifying capacity.
- Sanitary cleaners: test of limescale-dissolving capacity.
- Cleansing milks and powders: testing of washing capacity and surface damage.
- Glass cleaners: testing of dirt-removing capacity, dry matter, alcohol content.
- Shampoos: testing of foaming capacity.
- Analytical and physico-chemical testing of raw materials and finished products.
Research equipment
- Wet Abrasion Scrub Tester 903/PG, SheenInstruments Ltd
- DataColor 400 spectrophotometer
- Komora True View 2 DataColor
- Micro-TRI-gloss meter, BYK-gardner
- Soxtec System 2 HT2 kits, Tecator
- Muffle furnace 48000, Thermolyne
- Testing machine LRX, Lloyd
- Equipment to evaluate the washing ability of hand dishwashing detergents
- Rotary-oscillation washer
- Dishwashers, Siemens
- Foaming capacity and foam persistence index evaluation equipment
- Equipment for assessing descaling capacity
- RVF viscometer, Brookfield
- Mettler Toledo PM400 vagranspirator
Eng. Renata Dudek
phone +48 517 883 166
Tests for ultimate biodegradation of organic compounds including detergents
- Tests for ultimate biodegradation by manometric respirometry
- Investigations on ultimate biodegradation by measurement of dissolved organic carbon loss (DOC)
- Determination of chemical oxygen consumption (COD)
- Determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
Tests performed by methods according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 of 30 May 2008, OECD 301 and the standards PN-EN ISO 9408:2005, PN-EN ISO 7827:2013-06, PN-ISO 6060:2006 and ISO 8245:1999(E).
The laboratory is notified in the countries of the European Union for testing the biodegradation of detergents in accordance with Regulation No. 648/2004 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on detergents (Official Journal of The European Union 2009/C39/05).
Research equipment
- Closed-circuit respirometer Sapromat E, Labortechnik H+P
- Automatic carbon analyser TOC-5050, Shimadzu
- BigBigger Bill shakers, Brunswick, USA
- Equipment for the determination of COD by the titration method
Eng. Renata Dudek
phone +48 517 883 166
Determination of triacylglycerols
Determination of triacylglycerols by gas chromatography in biocarbons and petroleum fractions containing biocarbons (accredited method).
Research equipment
Gas chromatograph 5890 Series II
Dominika Kubica, PhD. Sc. Eng.
phone +48 517 883 165
Małgorzata Walkiewicz, M. Sc.
phone +48 517 883 168
Analysis of organic compounds, polymers and plastics
- identification of organic compounds, polymers, plastics, paints, glues, binders, etc. by spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods;
- identification and structure studies of non-volatile organic substances, e.g. synthetic and natural polymers, biochemical and geochemical products using the Py/GC/FTIR method;
- determination of average molecular weights and molecular weight distribution of polymers by gel permeation chromatography (GPC);
- analytical studies of organic compounds using FTIR and UV-VIS absorption spectrophotometry methods;
- studies of the curing and cross-linking of macromolecular compounds using the FTIR method (determination of functional groups);
- compositional analysis (identification of volatile components) of mixtures of organic compounds using GC/MS and GC/AED methods;
- determination of trace amounts of toxic substances (monomers and solvents) in plastic and other products by GC method using head-space technique, flame ionization detectors (GC/FID) and atomic emission detectors (GC/AED) and electron capture detectors (GC/ECD);
- determination of C1–C3 alcohol content in household chemical products and pharmaceutical products using the GC/FID method;
- determination of the content of organic acids, hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters and ketones in gas samples by GC/FID;
- testing the migration into food simulants and the emission of trace amounts of substances from plastic products into the atmosphere using spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods;
- control of the purity of chemical raw materials and testing of technological processes using UV, GC, FTIR and AAS methods.
Joanna Sołtysiak, PhD Sc.
phone +48 517 883 167
- determination of volatile fragrance and aroma compounds by GC-MS;
- determination of organic compounds in cosmetic raw materials by gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID);
- identification of volatile organic compounds in various matrices by GC-MS and Headspace-GC-MS;
- determination of the fatty acid composition in vegetable oils and animal fats (in accordance with PN-EN ISO 5508:1996 and PN-EN ISO 5509:2001) by the GC method;
- analysis of gas samples using GC-MS and GC-FID/TCD methods
- determination of formaldehyde content in cosmetic products and raw materials (in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 16 July 2004, Journal of Laws No. 206 of 22 September 2004, item 2106) using the HPLC method;
- determination of water content by Karl Fischer coulometric titration according to PN-EN ISO 12937 and ASTMD 6304
- determination of water content by Karl Fischer potentiometric titration
- determination of bromine index by coulometric titration according to ASTMD1492
- determination of bromine number by coulometric titration
- determination of density – hydrometer method according to ASTMD 1298 and PN-EN ISO 3675
- determination of density – pycnometer method
- determination of phosphorus content by spectrophotometric method according to AOCS Official Method ca 12-55
- determination of free water content according to ASTMD 2709
- determination of the content of unsaponifiable substances in vegetable and animal oils and fats according to PNISO 3596
- marking of insoluble contaminants in vegetable and animal oils and fats according to PN-EN ISO 663
- determination of iodine value according to PN-EN 14111
- determination of the peroxide value in vegetable and animal oils and fats according to PN-EN ISO 3960
- determination of saponification value according to PN-C-04043
- determination of acid value according to PN-EN 14104 and PN-ISO 660
- determination of water content and volatile substances in vegetable and animal oils and fats according to PN-EN ISO 662
- aniline point determination according to ASTMD 611
- determination of asphaltene content according to ASTMD 3279
- determination of the flow temperature according to PN-EN ISO 3016
- determination of the refractive index according to ASTMD 1218
Dominika Kubica, PhD. Sc. Eng.
phone +48 517 883 165
Małgorzata Walkiewicz, M. Sc.
phone +48 517 883 168
Research topics
- Hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy of non-ferrous metals
- Recovery of metals and valuable elements from products and industrial wastes
- Technologies for obtaining nanometals for industrial applications
- Treatment of industrial and waste electrolytes from metallic impurities
- Application of new electrode materials in cells, batteries and supercapacitors
- Low-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells – cell construction and testing
- Research into electrocatalysis and the mechanism and kinetics of selected electrode processes
- Disposal and recycling of batteries and accumulators
- Polymer composites with metallic fillers
- Investigation of the properties and analysis of materials using modern physico-chemical methods (SEM, PCS)
- Determination of metal content in aqueous solutions and in organic, inorganic and mixed-matrix organic-inorganic samples (after dissolution/mineralisation of samples)
- Preparation of electrodes and conduct of electrode reactions relevant to electrochemical energy sources
- Construction and testing of batteries and cells
- Construction of efficient energy fuel cells of the DMFC and H2-PEFC types
- Construction and design of electrochemical test benches
- Investigations in the field of electrochemical processes of separation of metals and their compounds on various substrates (RVC®, GC, Pt, Au, Fe, Pb, PbO2, graphite, ultramicroelectrodes)
- Research in the field of purification of waste electrolytes from metallic impurities
- Development of a technology for obtaining copper powders and nanopowders
- Development of a method for obtaining polymer composites with copper nanopowders for use in shielding electromagnetic radiation

Pharmaceutical Products Department

Zbigniew Araźny, PhD. Sc.
phone +48 453 056 268
The activities of the Semi-Technical Department include research and implementation work on a semi-technical scale (development of documentation, enlargement of the laboratory scale, optimization and validation of the technological process) and production of active substances.
Active substances (APIs) are produced in premises completely modernized in 2005-2007, equipped with modern apparatus and technological installations that meet European pharmaceutical requirements.
The technological process is controlled and documented for quality and purity in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. The final stages of active substance production are carried out in a controlled gray zone, where 3 lines for the product purification process and 2 lines for final technological operations have been installed.
Agnieszka Zaniewska, M. Sc. Eng.
phone +48 721 991 512
The Minisynthesis Division conducts research on technologies for producing active pharmaceutical substances and produces such substances on a small scale, from grams to kilograms. Research work focuses on the development of manufacturing technologies, mainly scale-up, process optimization and validation. Developed technologies are applied in the company’s own manufacturing division or offered to other pharmaceutical companies. Employees at the plant have extensive experience in conducting syntheses at various scales, working with aggressive chemicals such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, sulfur dioxide, organometallic compounds (e.g., Grignard compounds, alkyllithium) and purifying substances using a variety of techniques.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) are manufactured at the Minisynthesis Division in dedicated facilities in compliance with all Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. We have GMP certificates issued by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector for alfacalcidol, calcifediol, calcitriol, calcipotriol, tacalcidol, anastrozole and latanoprost. Our products are sold all over the world: Japan, China, Thailand, Mexico and numerous European countries.
Anna Nikonowicz, PhD Sc.
phone +48 601 191 135
Zadaniem Działu Handlu jest współpraca z klientami biznesowymi, którzy są zainteresowani pozyskaniem substancji czynnych (API) do celów produkcyjnych bądź handlowych, a także promocja wytwarzanych w Instytucie produktów farmaceutycznych. Naszym celem jest również pozyskiwanie nowych partnerów biznesowych oraz podmiotów naukowo-badawczych do współpracy w zakresie rozwoju oferty produktowej naszego Instytutu, mającego wieloletnie doświadczenie w syntezie chemicznej.
In cooperation with the Minisynthesis and Semi-Technical Departments, we are responsible for coordinating the production process and negotiating the terms of sale of pharmaceutical certified products offered to customers.
Our expertise and experience translate into the highest quality of business services in relations with customers.
In addition to the active substances, our team is fully responsible for the medicinal product called Biodribin® and its approval for the pharmaceutical market.
Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate (GMP)
Confirming the manufacturing quality of the active substances alfacalcidol, calcifediol hydrate, calcipotriol anhydrous, paricalcitol, brinzolamide
Publisher: General Pharmaceutical Inspector (GIF)
No cert.: IWSC.405.23.2019.ES.1-1/WTC/0079_01_02/133
Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate (GMP)
Confirming the manufacturing quality of the active substances carvedilol, (+)-clopidogrel bisulfatePublisher: General Pharmaceutical Inspector (GIF)No cert. GIF-IW-400/0079_01_02/04/86/17
Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate (GMP)
Confirming the quality of a medicinal product intended for human use.Publisher: General Pharmaceutical Inspector (GIF)No cert.: IWSC.405.102.2022.IP.2/WTC/0079_01_01/238
Good Laboratory Practice Certificate (GLP)
Confirming the quality of pharmacokinetic and bioanalytical studies, including equivalence and bioavailability studiesPublisher: Bureau of Chemical SubstancesNo cert.: 25/2020/DPL
Accreditation in Japan
Accreditation of foreign manufacturer of medicinal productsPublisher: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of JapanNo cert.: AG22300014
Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate (GMP)
Medicinal products for humansPublisher: Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector (GIF)No cert.: IWPS.405.102.2022.IP.1/ WTC/0079_01_01/237
Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate (GMP)
Veterinary medicinal productsPublisher: Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector (GIF)No cert.: IWPS.405.9.2020.AL.2 WTC/0034_01_01/149
Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate (GMP)
Tested medicinal products for humansPublisher: Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector (GIF)No cert.: IWPS.405.118.2022.OP.1/ WTC/0034_01_01/260
Commercialization and Technology Transfer Department

Paulina Pietrasik-Stippa, M. Sc.
phone +48 453 056 150
Marek Sieczkowski, M.Sc., Eng.
phone +48 453 056 338
Zbigniew Laskowski, PhD. Sc. Eng.
phone +48 453 056 224
Urszula Skurzewska, M. Sc.
phone +48 453 056 228
Grzegorz Breski, M. Sc.
phone +48 453 056 218
Eliza Wawrzyn, PhD Sc.
phone +48 453 056 302
Patent Attorney
Jolanta Rosińska, M. Sc.
phone +48 453 056 219

The Chemical Safety Division at Lukasiewicz – Industrial Chemistry Institute offers, as part of its activities, consulting, training, development and verification of safety data sheets and services to companies in the chemical and related industries, with particular emphasis on the REACH and CLP regulations.
We organize training courses and workshops for those in the company who are responsible for the registration of chemical substances, the preparation of documentation related to the classification and labeling of chemical substances and mixtures, and the development of safety data sheets.
Head of Chemical Safety Division
Paulina Porębska-Sęktas, M. Sc. Eng.
phone +48 453 056 232
The primary objective of the Ozone Layer and Climate Protection Unit is to ensure the implementation of Poland’s obligations under the Montreal Protocol and European and national regulations on ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases).
OLCPU operates in the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Chemistry Institute, performing the Institute’s tasks as a specialized unit indicated in Article 17 of the Law on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and Certain Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases of May 15, 2015. One of the statutory tasks is to maintain the Central Register of Operators of Fire Protection Equipment and Systems (CRO);
Head of Ozone Layer And Climate Protection Unit
Eliza Oksiuta, M. Sc. Eng.
phone +48 517 883 180
Quality Assurance Division
The Quality Policy implemented at the Institute is based on reliable and competitive services using modern research techniques with new generation equipment. Continuous improvement of working methods, timeliness and fulfillment of the agreed requirements of contracts, impartiality, reliability, independence and confidentiality of research, continuous improvement of professional qualifications of the staff and improvement of the quality assurance system allow to meet the expectations and build trust of customers.
Head of Quality Assurance Division
Agnieszka Pacek, M. Sc.
phone +48 601 302 882
„Polimery” – an international journal covering the topics of: macromolecular plastics, rubber, varnishes and man-made fibers. The journal is aimed at researchers, managers and engineering staff of universities, the Polish Academy of Sciences, institutes of the Lukasiewicz Research Network, research institutes and industrial plants, specializing in chemistry, physicochemistry, technology and processing of polymers, as well as medicine, pharmacy and biotechnology.
“Polymers” in its pages presents original peer-reviewed papers published in English covering topics on the latest developments in the synthesis, analysis, technology, modification, processing, properties, application and recycling of polymeric plastics.
Dr. Regina Jeziórska, Eng.
phone +48 453 056 185
See what projects we have already completed

Work for Delphia
Development and implementation of a research agenda. Thanks to them, a Research and Development Center was established at the plant financed by EU funds. Work implemented in the organization of the Center.
Contract No.722555/BP-2/2018 – “Development of a recipe for modified gelcoat with testing of its properties”.
Work performed for the company Q-Control
The solution implemented in the entrepreneur’s business.
POIR.02.03.02-26-0005/19 – “Development of technology for production of adhesive coatings with extended application time for automotive assembly components”
Work performed for the company AgaPlast
The solution implemented in the entrepreneur’s business.
Contract No. 722545/1/2017 – “Development of innovative halogen-free, flame retardant plastics for cable applications”
Work performed for company Aquastone
The solution implemented in the entrepreneur’s business.
R&D contract 722638/2020 – “Development of modification of technology to obtain a composite for the production of sanitary products (shower trays) with increased resistance against fungi and mold.”

Work performed for ORLEN Group S.A.
Work contract: Research on co-hydrogenation process as a source of biocomponents for diesel fuel (2020)
The subject of the work was the creation of a method of producing a hydrotreater containing biocarbon as a component of diesel fuel. The proposed solution makes it possible to obtain a hydrotreater that, in addition to its biocarbon content, has improved low-temperature properties (CFPP cold filter locking temperature below -20°C).
As part of the INNOCHEM (CO-BIO) project in 2018. PKN ORLEN, in cooperation with Łukasiewicz – IPC, conducted a series of laboratory tests aimed at selecting the raw material and determining the optimal process conditions at the Production Plant in Płock.
Research projects

The project is financed from the state budget by the National Centre for Research and Development within the CORNET Initiative programme.

The project is being carried out in the framework of the LIFE Programme, the European Union's financial instrument dedicated to the co-financing of projects in the field of environmental protection

Project implemented under the SONATINA programme of the National Science Centre for research projects

The project is implemented as part of the OPUS programme of the National Science Centre for research projects, including the financing of the purchase or manufacture of scientific and research equipment necessary for the implementation of these projects.

New bioanalytical methods
Project carried out under an earmarked grant from the President of the Łukasiewicz Centre by: Łukasiewicz – Institute of Industrial Chemistry and Łukasiewicz – Institute of Organic Industry (NOBIAN PB)

Development of publishing and editorial practices of the international scientific and technical journal "Polymers"
Subsidised by the Ministry of Education and Science, Project implemented under the programme: "Development of scientific journals"

Competence Centers in Łukasiewicz – ICI
Projekty realizowane ze środków subwencji inwestycyjnej MEiN przyznanej na 2021 rok instytutom działającym w ramach Sieci Badawczej Łukasiewicz ze środków finansowych, o których mowa w art. 71a ust. 1 ustawy budżetowej na rok 2021 (Dz. U. poz. 2400, z późn. zm.2).

Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of cladribine addition in the course-modifying treatment of seropositive myasthenia gravis
Project funded by the Medical Research Agency as part of the competition for non-commercial clinical research projects (ABM/2019/1)

Optimising the management and treatment of minor patients with histiocytic cell proliferations
Project funded by the Medical Research Agency within the framework of the competition for non-commercial clinical research projects (ABM/2019/1) (POLHISTIO)

Completed projects
BIOBAKCIR, BIOSYM, NOBIAN (I), ImDiag, GOSPOSTRATEG, BIOSTRATEG, OPUS 13, ABM own projects, OPUS 10, OPUS 16, OPUS 17, OPUS 18, ORBIS, INNOCHEM, Synthesis of acrylic acid and acrylic esters based on renewable raw materials, Comprehensive technology for the production of structural polymers based on poly(phenylene oxide), Digitization of scientific publications and monographs

get to know our patrons
Ignacy Łukasiewicz
The patron of our research network is Ignacy Lukasiewicz (1822-1882) – Polish pharmacist, entrepreneur, social and patriotic activist, philanthropist and pioneer of the oil industry. Founder of the world’s first oil mine, inventor of the kerosene lamp.
Ignacy Mościcki
The patron of our Institute is Prof. Ignacy Moscicki (1867-1946) – Polish chemist, politician, in 1926-1939 the third President of the Republic of Poland. Scientist, inventor, builder of the Polish chemical industry.