Safety data sheets
Chemical Sales Division

We offer services for the development of safety data sheets
Almost every company that manufactures, imports or distributes chemicals is more than likely to deal sooner or later with substances or mixtures that require a safety data sheet.
If a product you intend to place on the market is found to present a risk, i.e. it is classified as, inter alia:
→ explosive, oxidising, flammable;
→ toxic, harmful, corrosive, irritant, sensitising;
→ carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic;
→ posing a risk to the aquatic environment;
→ when a substance meets the criteria for PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic) or vPvB (very persistent and very bioaccumulative) or is on the candidate list (substances of very high concern – SVHC), you are obliged to provide the recipient with a properly drawn up safety data sheet in the language of the country where the product is placed on the market.
In addition, when the product (mixture) does not meet the criteria for classification, but contains:
→ a substance posing a risk to human health or the environment in concentrations of 1 % or more by weight for non-gaseous mixtures or 0,2 % or more by volume for gaseous mixtures, or
→ a PBT, vPvB or SVHC in a concentration of at least 0.1 % by weight for non-gaseous mixtures, or
→ the substance for which the MRLs (maximum occupational exposure limits) have been set,
→ You are obliged to deliver the card to the recipient upon request.
This obligation results from Article 31 of the REACH Regulation. The current format of the safety data sheet is set out in Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/830 of 29 May 2015.
From 1 December 2010, new classification and labelling rules apply for substances, in accordance with the CLP Regulation.
Development of the charter ≠ translation
The preparation of a safety data sheet is the responsibility of the supplier, i.e. the manufacturer, importer (non-EU), downstream user or distributor who places the product on the market. Often, however, the safety data sheet prepared by the supplier does not meet all the requirements of Polish law, including the applicable hygiene standards. A literal translation of the original often leads to a disregard of Polish law and a lack of verification, e.g. of the classification given by the manufacturer.
Remember! The safety data sheet is intended to enable the workplace to take the measures necessary to ensure safety and to protect human health and the environment, and to provide the consumer with comprehensive information on the potential hazards associated with the use of the substance or mixture (by providing information on the label). It is therefore important that both the card and the label are drawn up correctly!
As a reminder, new classification and labelling rules apply for mixtures from 1 June 2015, so the safety data sheet must be updated!
We carry out an initial assessment of the original sheets provided free of charge. In addition, it is possible to notify a hazardous mixture to the Office for Chemical Substances in Łódź and to notify hazardous substances to the CL List maintained by ECHA (applies to manufacturers or importers).
So, if you want to be sure that the safety data sheet you use in your company and offer to your customers complies with the requirements of EU and Polish law on chemicals, and that the label has been prepared in the right way – and you think that our ancestors were wise to invent the social division of labour – use our.
Paulina Porębska-Sęktas, M. Sc. Eng.
phone +48 453 056 232
Anna Bańkowska, PhD. Sc.
phhone +48 453 056 230