Accessibility declaration

General information

Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Chemistry Institute undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Law of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The accessibility statement applies to Łukasiewicz Research Network website.

Website publication date: 2023-09-12

Date of last significant update: 2023-09-12

Status in terms of compliance with the law

The website is partially compliant with the Law of April 4, 2019 on digital accessibility of public entities’ websites and mobile applications due to the incompatibilities or exclusions listed below.

Content not available

Some elements of the site have too low contrast for aesthetic reasons (slides). The videos on the site do not have subtitles, audiodescription or alternative content for people with visual and hearing disabilities. Missing solutions will be systematically supplemented. Documents in PDF and DOC format published on the site are written in a way that is inaccessible to people with visual disabilities. Documents are systematically supplemented with either accessible PDF and DOC versions or text versions.

Preparation of accessibility declaration

Declaration date: 2023-09-12

Date of last declaration review: 2023-09-12

A survey conducted by the third-party entity responsible for the implementation and deployment of the website.

Feedback and contact information

In case of problems with the availability of the website, please contact us. The contact person is the Secretariat of the Łukasiewicz Center, You can also contact by calling 221821111. The same route can be used to submit requests for inaccessible information and to file complaints about the failure to provide accessibility of thei.

Everyone has the right:

make comments on the accessibility of the digital site or an element of it,

report a request to ensure the digital accessibility of the site or an element of it,

request that the unavailable information be made available in another alternative form.

The request must include:

contact information of the reporting person,

Indication of the page or element of the page to which the request relates,

indication of a convenient form of release of information, if the request is for release in an alternative form of information not available.

Consideration of the application should be carried out immediately, within 7 days at the latest. If within this period it is not possible to provide accessibility or to provide access in an alternative form, it will take place within 2 months from the date of notification at the latest.

Complaints and appeals

If a public entity refuses to comply with a request to provide accessibility or an alternative means of accessing information, the requester may file a complaint about the provision of accessibility of a digital website, mobile application or an element of a website or mobile application. After exhausting the procedure indicated above, a request may also be submitted to the Ombudsman.

Architectural accessibility

Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Chemistry Institute
8 Rydygiera St. | 01-793 Warsaw

Entrance to the Institute from L. Rydygiera Street and Anna German Street monitored by security.
The facility is protected around the clock (video surveillance throughout the site)
Accessible parking for employees and visitors (designated spaces for the disabled)
Some buildings in the Institute lack elevators and facilities for the disabled
There are elevators and wheelchair ramps in the main building (management and administration)
Lack of a sign language speaker
Possibility to enter with an assistance dog.

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